Kriket - New product launch

Media relations

Kriket, a unique Brussels-based food start-up founded by foodie crusaders Michel and Anneleen, specialises in making nutritious cricket-based foods. They approached us with an intriguing request: to draw media attention to their newly launched high-protein bars.

We generated media buzz by inviting two distinct sets of journalists to try the new cricket-based bars. Firstly, we targeted the corporate media to get a full picture of the company and secondly, we involved the consumer and lifestyle media to focus on the product. Those who responded positively were given a tasting package to explore the product's taste, texture, nutritional value and eco-friendly attributes so they could write informed, authentic articles or reviews.

The result?

Some tasty appearances in media that perfectly matched Kriket's target audience, such as articles in Flair and Het Laatste Nieuws. As an added bonus, we arranged interviews with prominent publications in Le Vif and Deuzio, the weekend magazine of L'Avenir. These interviews provided Michel and Anneleen with a fantastic opportunity to tell their story and stimulate interest in this innovative protein source.

Yes, it turns out that crickets aren't just for the birds!