Flemish Government - We Zien U

Media relations

Together with partner agencies Oona and Hotel Hungaria, we carried out a campaign for the Flemish Minister of Justice and Law Enforcement, Zuhal Demir, to combat sexually assaultive behaviour among young people. Projections were published on well-known buildings in five Belgian provincial capitals (Leuven, Ghent, Brussels, Antwerp & Hasselt).

Our task was to find the right media strategy and to make the awareness campaign known as widely as possible throughout Flanders, and we succeeded brilliantly!

In the run-up to the campaign launch, we drafted a press release and sent it to the right media outlets. We also worked with the press to find testimonials for some major newspaper articles. We were in direct contact with many journalists, which resulted in coverage in the afternoon and evening news of VRT and VTM. The daily newspapers (HLN, De Standaard, De Morgen) also picked up the story and there was a lot of buzz about the campaign on the radio (Radio 2, MNM, StuBru, Q-Music & Joe). A successful campaign for a very good cause!

Total audience reached? 6,224,064 viewers, readers and/or listeners